School:  „Mihail Kogălniceanu” Dorohoi
Grade:  5th A
Object: Romanian Language
Teacher: Cristina Bordianu
Unit:, I want to save the world „
Subject: literary narrative text, Theseus and the Minotaur,, by Florin Bican; the characterization of the main character
Type of lesson:            Lesson of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities
Time: 50 minutes

General skills:
·         1. Participating at verbal interactions in different situations of communication by the reception and the production of the oral text;
·         2. Reception of different types of written texts;
·         3. Writing different types of texts; 
·         4. Right adequate and efficient use of language in the oral and written communication;
·         5.Expressing  linguistic and cultural identity in national and international context;

Values and attitudes:
·         Cultivating respect for humanity values reflected in literary works;
·         Stimulating the sensitivity towards the antiquity heroes represented in the Greek mythology ;
·         Developing the interest for cultural diversity for intercultural dialogue;
Specific skills
·         1.1. identifying the theme, some essential and detailed information and the explicit communication intentions and/or the behavior which express emotions from the, monologued and dialogued narrative text;
·         1.2. oral presentation of information and ideas based on references given by the teacher, expressing opinions, emotions and feelings participating at discussions on familiar themes or from listened /read texts;
·         2. 2. Identifying the theme, the main and secondary ideas from different texts;
·         2.4. showing interest and focusing attention while reading texts on familiar themes;
·         3.2. Writing a simple text individually or in a team on a familiar theme, by inserting images, drawings or schemes;
·         4.2. applying basic lexical and semantic acquisitions in the process of understanding and correct expression of communicative intentions;
·         5.2. identifying some cultural values from the literary/nonliterary Romanian texts and from other cultures;
Associated contents

·         Narrative text, the literary narrative, action, character, time, space, comprehension strategies ,simple inferences (cause and effect relationship, problem-solution);oral narration  of facts by setting in order the chronological ideas and action stages of the text supported by graphical presentations by means of the new technologies;
·         Descriptive literary text (descriptive passages from the narrative text );the observation of the expressive value of the parts of speech from the chosen text and the rendering  of figurative language (comparison, personification);oral description of a character using different grammatical and semantic;
·         Exercises of identification of a set of values socially and culturally acknowledged in the main text 
·       Oral communication with the aim of clarifying, of rephrasing, of confirming, of comprehending the text, of informing, of building the message of a communication, of expressing emotions by adopting a positive attitude in communication ( attention, empathy).

Didactic strategies
·         Methods and procedures : conversation, brainstorming, critical thinking, independent work
·         Class management : frontal activity combined with team activity and individual activity:
·         Aids: Romanian Language (textbook) for the 5th grade,  Editura Art educațional (authors: Florentina Sâmihăian, Sofia Dobra, Monica Halaszi, Anca Davidoiu-Roman), computer, worksheets aritmogrif, projector, blackboard, chalk;
·         Resources: student’s usual capacity of reception, their previous acquisitions (cognitive, attitudinal), didactic time: 50 minutes 
Operational objectives:
·         To present the content of the narrative text based on the moments of the plot;
·         To argue the narrative character of the text;
·         To characterize the main character following the steps for such a work;
·         To exploit efficiently the literary text;
·         To express themselves correctly, fluently, convincing.

The development of the didactic scenario

Nr crt
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity




1.         Checking of previous knowledge

Making sense



·                                  Warm up moment:
Organizing the form and creating a favorable climate for the activity ;
·         Energizing exercise:
Students are provoked to an imaginary trip into the Greek Antiquity and they are asked to choose between three alternatives of spending time (*a day/ *a lifetime/ *never) with a character, motivating his option; the proposed characters are: Poseidon, Theseus, Procust (a god, a hero, a monster).
·         Checking of previous knowledge
referring to the plot of the literary text Theseus and the Minotaur by F. Bican
The teacher will follow the way in which students succeeded in associating the message of the text (phrases which represent essentially a moment of the plot) images built with Pixton; The teacher will appreciate the way of making the materials (encouraging appreciation or constructive criticism by pointing the elements which need remedial) but also towards the way in which students have presented orally the content of images.
Also the team effort will be appreciated, each student having a certain contribution (text editor, image editor, coordinator etc.).

This stage will close with the teacher’s intervention who will provide a conclusion towards the moments of the plot.

·         Announcing the task
The students will be provoked to unroll an aritmogriff which will request an incursion into the general universe knowledge, but also into the literary theory concepts.
Vertically they will discover a feature of the studied text.  (annex 2)
1.     Greece capital (Athens);
2.     „paper being” who lives only into the literary text (character);
3.     a female character who gives to Theseus a ball of tread to find the exit from the maze (Ariadna);
4.     Figure of speech by which the   human nature or character is attributed to objects, phenomenon or animals (personification);
5.     Part of speech which accompanies a noun and it is used  to specify grammatical definiteness of the noun (article);
6.     Any conscious experience characterized by intense mental activity and a certain degree of pleasure or displeasure. (emotion);
7.     the mountain where were dwelling Antiquity Gods (Olimp);
8.     Five verses poetry (quintet).
The word ,narrative,, will appear vertically.
Students will be announced that by working in pairs they will have to motivate that the text belongs to the narrative category.
Because this type of aim is familiar to them, they are asked to update, based on the Romanian language portfolio, the definition of the narrative literary text and its particularities ( the presence of a narrator,  the evocation of facts  which are in causality relationship, the contextualization of the action by temporal and spatial indices, the existence of a conflict, the involvement of the characters in the plot  progress, the use of the narrative as the main exposure mode which interfere with descriptive passages and dialogue sequences.
The teacher gathers students’ answers, and then he asks them to justify in an argumentative monologue that the text Theseus and the Minotaur is narrative.
·         Announcing  the new theme and the objectives (skills)
 The students are informed that they will study some characters of the text, more exactly they will discuss the character Theseus; the identification of his main moral and physical traits will be made by exploring literary text’s subtlety

The discussion plan, made visible with the projector will be :
·         Short discussion on the concept of character and on his role into the literary text(messenger of the writer );

* the place taken by the character into the dynamics of the narrative flow,  the place taken by the character will be highlighted by a short presentation of the main moments of the action, to identify the degree of participation to the action (main/secondary/episodic character)  
*social statue of the discussed character;

*identifying the moral and physical traits of the main character and showing the fragment from the text which indicate those traits, quotes etc.;

 At the end of the team activity, the teacher will use the bunch method to present graphically the main traits of the hero as show the identity sheets completed by the students. The teacher shows that these qualities of the hero are those of the Greek Antiquity, and some of them are very current to the contemporary world.

The discussion continues based on the announced plan after a summary review of the information reviewed by that point.

*The message transmitted by the author  through the created character (the value he promotes );

*Establishing some analogies with other characters from the Romanian literature or the universal one;

*Expressing personal opinion on the discussed character;

The teacher concludes the results of the students’ discussion, reviewing the stages which have to be followed in the characterization of a character from a narrative text.

The students are asked to write a quintet which renders Theseus’ traits, taking notes of his facts, of his relationship with the other characters, his origin, the values he transmits.

The teacher appreciates the way the activity has developed and gives grades to the students

The teacher asks to the students to write a composition in which to characterize the character Theseus using the given plan and the discussion which has taken place, and a drawing in which to describe the hero.

The students   prepare themselves for the lesson.

The students present their answers with short arguments; the obtained information will be corroborated and systemized into a graphic organizer which will provide a top of preferences;

The students will present the material made ( in team, with colleagues) in Pixton application, representing the main moments of the plot from the studied text( from which previously have been extracted in the classroom the main ideas based on the plot)
Aids may be found at the following addresses:


The aritmogriff will be projected with the projector; the student will receive also worksheets which they will complete in pairs.

Students will solve the following tasks in pairs:

Team 1: Say who is the author of the text, who tells the story , on which person
Team 2: Establish the time and space indices and the characters which appear into the narrative;
Team 3 Specify what are the exposure modes exploited into the text, give examples; which is their role in outlining the fictional universe?
Team 4 Establish, based on the facts which relationships appear between the characters; which are the conflicts which appear?
5. Select from the text the studied figures of speech and comment one of your choice, what is its role in the text?

During the team activity, the teacher will support the students who request help in solving the task.

Students explain orally that the chosen fragment belongs to the narrative text.


Students will receive sheets with the plan of the discussion and will participate to the building of the answers based on the previous acquisitions and to the word of the text.

…character = individuality with distinctive physical and moral traits, revealed during the action spatially and temporary  contextualized, writer’s messenger   

...judging on the degree of participation to the action, there are main, secondary episodic characters etc.; Theseus  –main character;

…from the text and from the information given into the textbook: it’s born from  a mortal and a god (Poseidon), but appears into the text as the son of Aegeus

…they will complete, respecting  the given time, in teams an Identity sheet, by consulting carefully the details given by the literary text, after working time expiration, the way in which has been accomplished The identity sheet of the character will be presented to the form.

The students will highlight the following traits of the main character: the sense of justice, ingenuity, sensitivity, courage, spirit of sacrifice and they will specify that the majority of traits of the character appear from the indirect characterization from his thoughts, his actions, his relationship with the other characters.

…for high collective ideals, sacrifices
 are needed; through the embodied values Theseus appears as a savior of his nation, of the word

…can be compared to the Prince Charming from the Romania fairytales or to other Greek heroes (Prometheus – protector and benefactor of humans who stole the fire from Hephaestus, brought to Earth and given to mortals

…it’s a hero because gives to his people freedom, independence;

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